The Ninja Game

By Omar Essilfie-Quaye

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Your Mission

You have one goal and one goal only, to survive. In a modern take on a classic side scroll game your skills as a warrior are to be tested as you jump flip and fight your way to eternal honour. There is no rest, you can not pause, you have only one life and you must prove your worth to enter the hall of warriors. The victors shall gain nothing in this life or the next, nothing beyond bragging rights over all newbs. So give it a go and show the world what you are made of.

Game Play

Running is the path to victory. The character will always be be running. No user action is required to ensure that continued motion. Beware, if you are not careful you may run into traps.

Animation of the ninja running

Ninja Running


" W "

Traps designed to stop you from reaching eternal glory will be randomly thrown at you. One way of avoiding them is to jump over them. Be careful not to jump over one trap and into the next.

Animation of the ninja jumping

Ninja Jumping

Double Jump

" W " + " W "

Traps will come at you faster and faster testing your reflexes. To show you are an elite warrior you will need to adapt. Using the fabled double jump technique, you can fight your way to the top. Don't jump too many times in a row or you will loose the ability and fall out of the sky.

Animation of the ninja doing a double jump with a flip

Ninja Doing a Double Jump

See Also