Hang man

By Omar Essilfie-Quaye

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Hangman - Old School

The game hangman is a classic played throughout history (or at the very least schools in the early 2000s). It as always is a great past time and is a great method to test your vocabulary. The goal is to find out what the hidden word is.

The player is presented with a series of blank spaces representing the letters in the word that need to be found. The player can use the keyboard to guess letters (the mouse needs to be over the canvas). If the letter is correct then it shall be revealed.

Every letter that is guessed is shown on the left hand side in red. If the letter is incorrect the player will loose a life. When a life is lost another line of the hangman is drawn. The word needs to be guessed before the whole hangman is drawn otherwise the player looses.

Ahhhhh I'm Stuck - What Letter Should You Choose?

There are lots of recommended strategies for trying to get the answer as quickly as possible. A common favourite is to guess the vowels first. This is generally a decent strategy as this is likely to reveal at least a few letters. The more letters that are revealed the more likely the player will be able to guess the actual word.

A better strategy would be to guess characters that are more likely to appear in the English language. Every language has certain letters that appear more frequently than others, this can be seen in the graph on the right. Whilst most of the vowels are extremely frequent other letters such as "t", "n", "s" and "h" are also rather frequent. Following the frequency order will allow for more guesses when the player has less lives.

See Also - Games