

Generate a random walk within a grid based on the coding challenge of Dan from the coding train. The difference between this random walk and normal ones is that it is self avoiding. This means that the path does not cross itself.


Here's an image of an example self avoiding walk:

Self Avoiding Walk

This self avoiding walk differs from others by being on a non rectangular lattice. This is implemented by creating lattice vectors to represent the grid points. Other lattices can be implemented by changing the lattice vectors.

Inspiration coding challenge

Lattice Vectors picture

Pivot Algorithm Example Code

Check out the Demo.

Check out the Docs.

Created using p5.js


[ ] Add Backtracking

[ ] Add pivot algorithm animation

[ ] Add reference to protein folding

Contact Details

Programmer: Omar Essilfie-Quaye omareq08+githubio@gmail.com

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