
By Omar Essilfie-Quaye

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The Inspiration - TypeSpeed

This game was inspired by TypeSpeed a linux command line typing game. It was created by Jani Ollikainen and Jaakko Manelius. It is currently maintained by Tobias Stoeckmann. Typespeed's idea is ripped from ztspeed (a dos game made by Zorlim). Idea of the game should be clear to anyone, just type and type it fast or be a lewser.

Some Extra Zip

Currently words are sent across the screen from the left to the right. If the user types them then they get an increased score. If the word is missed then the miss counter goes up by one. If the miss counter reaches ten then the game is over.

TexType has a variation where the speed of the words going across the screen increases. This speed increase happens every 150 points. This it makes it much more difficult to keep up with the pace of the words that appear, and separates the true elite from the newbs.

See Also